Wednesday 18 June 2014

All Co-operative Farmers Association, Reports: EDO FARMERS PLIGHT

      The lives of Edo farmers have been made miserable by those we thought will give us convenience and guarantee to succeed. But they made us pass through laborious process to benefit, just a bundle of cassava cuttings.

        This unprecedented stress has caused the lives of many farmers to be shortened. We, the Edo Farmers are treated just like slaves, as we are given just a measure of food as will keep the breath in our bodies. Those of us who are capable to work are forced to work to the last atom of our strength, when it’s clear that they are satisfy with our services, they throw us away just like snail shell.

Imagine the situation in of farmers in some community in the outskirt of the state; where indigenous farmers cash crops are destroyed by a total stranger in the name of a private investor, without pity or concern for the farmers that has spent all their lives pampering the crops so destroyed. These farmers, seeing the growth of the said crops, were waiting for the time they will start to enjoy the fruit of their labour. Only for that thought to be cut short by a brutal non indigenous investors. As you are reading this information, the farmers don’t even have land to farm on presently even in their own community. All their farmlands have been taken away from them. 

     The most unfortunate situation the farmers are facing is that no were in the state has been dedicated for farming purpose why they are contemplating a large grazing land for herdsmen. Could you imagine sharing my father’s inheritance first to my father’s slave only to leave a remnant to us, the legitimate children. If a specific area has not been earmark for special farming, will it ever augur well for anyone who want to first share our land to stranger before asking us if we also need? This is beating a drum of war! Because our farmers are not yet assured that come rain or sun, they have farmlands that no one/authority will take away from them.

Because of this development, no farmers in this state actually knows the meaning of happiness or leisure, no farmers is free, since they are never allowed to take part in the decision making that will enhance their success. The life of all farmers in this state is full of misery and slavery that is the plain truth. Where then do we go from here and whom should we depend on to exonerate us?          
            This is a Trillion Dollar question that no government or private donors agencies have not been able to answer. But if you insist that you can give a workable and productive answer to this riddle, comment or participate in this program in anyway you can conveniently be involve in the good work of ACFA.